Remember how obnoxious Cyborg fans were on Sherdog on her superiority in WMMA?

Have they apologized yet and admitted how wrong they were, and that they didn't understand how much worse the FW division was compared to BW in WMMA, even when we tried years to point that out?




They even had the nerve to call her...

Remember how obnoxious Cyborg fans were on Sherdog on her superiority in WMMA?

Fighters who have size advantage over division and top power

Which fighters have a height/ reach advantage over opponents in their division,

in combination with having top power in hands for their division?

Cliff: tall fighters who have power?

Most notable fighters think Fedya is the GOAT

From a poll done in 2016, Source:´s-goat.3730621/

TOP 5:

1- Last Emperor = 37
2- Spider = 36
3- JBJ = 29
4- GSP = 16
5- Scarface= 14

Some notable fighters who consider Fedor GOAT:

Clay Guida
Dan Henderson
Gunnar Nelson
Mark Hunt
Tim Kennedy
Bigfoot Silva(lol)
Dos Santos
Jacare Souza
Shogun Rua
Thiago Santos

And the #2 GOAT himself


View attachment 553325

Funny how most great fighters all think Fedor...

Most notable fighters think Fedya is the GOAT

It’s Sad Seeing All These Fighters Continuously Call Out Conor

They really gotta give it a rest, they’re only feeding his over-inflated ego and keeping him relevant. Anderson, Masvidal, Woodley, Pettis, Poirier, Till, RDA, and the list goes on and on. It’s almsot as if they know they won’t get the fight and they’re just trying to make an ass of themselves. They’re hoping for some big payday to fall in their lap just like Nate. What is the purpose behind calling out a guy who only fights once a year?

What would happen if Zion Williamson chose MMA over the NBA?

6'7, 275 lbs of pure explosiveness. Only 18 years old. I can't remember a player from any sport that has been hyped up as much as this kid coming out of college. And for good reason. Obviously he would have no reason to chose MMA as he will make hundreds of millions playing NBA, but in a hypothetical world where he did, how would he do? With what Ngannou did was almost no training I would imagine Zion would quickly become the greatest fighter of all time. He's an A+++ level athlete like MMA...

What would happen if Zion Williamson chose MMA over the NBA?

So is Greco still considered the ultimate grappling base for MMA?

For many years this was the case, with many former champs dominating the sport from the early days of the UFC Greco was seen as the best base for MMA and Karelin seen as the greatest 'what if' in history.
Logic held that submissions can be learned later.
Striking can be developed.
But mastery of body control to the highest level takes years, and the Greco style was seen as most combat oriented in this way.

So does Greco still hold the title as best grappling base for a successful mma...

So is Greco still considered the ultimate grappling base for MMA?

While fighters still have to deal with reebok, WME/UFC ...

... are making record revenue from sponsors

Sports Business Journal noted that UFC sponsorship revenue increased 25 percent this past year due to the new deals with Modelo, Kraft Heinz, Poker Stars and Nemiroff Vodka

If you were in charge of an MMA HoF

Who would be your first 10 inductees
What would your criteria be?

Ariel Helwani about ESPN NBA gig and MMA: "I don't need you guys anymore"

"I'm very well versed. I'm not just one trick pony like you guys. If the mma world continue to disrecpect me i'll just leave, i'll just leave, i will take my ball and go home"

He was joking around on the podcast with Ben Askren then told it with a smirk on his face but you can tell he is really thinking about it.

Countries that have universal health care systems should ban MMA

This is a serious discussion.

I was thinking about this after Till got knocked out.

So a young man, in the heyday of his productive years, decides to take blows to the head for a living. Ok. But then he's on the receiving end of a life altering knock out. He may become disabled after that and unfit to work. He will surely need health assistance, perhaps for many years. So why should the general population have to finance his dangerous life choices? Worse than that, in this scenario,...

Countries that have universal health care systems should ban MMA

Which fighters in this poll will be inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame by 2025 (Six years away)?

As you already know - Mark Kerr and Michael Bisping are going into the HOF this year, there will be others to follow for this year.

I included McGregor, because I don't see him fighting for 5 more years, and Rousey was inducted last year, so why not Conor?

In the next SIX years, by 2025, who will be in the HOF?

Current UFC HOF:

Wing Name Date Event
Pioneer Wing Royce Gracie 11/21/2003 UFC 45
Pioneer Wing Ken...

Which fighters in this poll will be inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame by 2025 (Six years away)?

Top 10 best heels in MMA history

Tito Ortiz - Not the most eloquent guy,but he was obnoxious,naturally can get under people's skin and knew how to draw attention to make money fights. Alot of people tuned into see him lose,and people who secretley want to be loudmouthed arseholes lived vicariously through him in the good times.

Jon Jones - Jones cant own up to all the shit he does,even Usada would dump him then,but the fact hes allowed to roid and get away with it,makes this sociopath a villain wether he likes it or not....

Top 10 best heels in MMA history

UFC fighters and their Celebrity Doppelgangers

Joanna Jedrzejczyk looking like Fred Gwynne who played Herman munster

Urijah Faber looking like Travolta

Beyonce lookin like Ronda Rousey here...

UFC fighters and their Celebrity Doppelgangers

Are there BJJ heads that don't care about MMA?

Just to preface, outside of maybe 4 or 5 intro classes many years ago, i don't do BJJ at all.

Not really technique related, but i'm curious if there are high level BJJ practitioners you know that pay very little attention to MMA and are focused 100% on BJJ, watching BJJ matches, training BJJ, following the top guys etc.

It seems like every martial art is automatically compared to "MMA standards" in terms of this or that would or wouldn't work in MMA and that is the only thing that matters....

Are there BJJ heads that don't care about MMA?

Ariel Helwani already carving his way out of MMA into basketball at ESPN


Will be part of the NBA pre game show hoopstream/hoopstring/hoopstreet (i dont know, couldnt make out the name he said)



Cringiest moment in mma history

Wtf does Tito mean when he says this? God he’s such a weirdo

His answer to the question in the first interview on this video is just bizarre

Underrated fighters who are/were in the UFC

These guys usually get a bad rap, but overall have or are doing well.

Elias Theodorou
UFC record 8-2
The guy is hard to put away. Killer gas tank and a big heart. One of his losses were controversial as well. Big fight coming up for him.

Sage Northcutt
UFC record 6-2
Now with one, Sage was lacking in some experience, but had some raw talent and exciting stand up. A much better record than what you would think. Before getting rocked by Gall, Northcutt was starting to take over the fight....

Underrated fighters who are/were in the UFC

Who is currently the REAL best p4p fighter in UFC (MMA)?

Who is currently the REAL best p4p fighter in UFC (MMA)?

Main candidates:

Khabib, Jones, DC, Holloway, Whitaker, Fergusson, Cejudo?

Why does cardio vary so much in MMA?

I never hear things like" Kevin Durant is gassed here in the 4th quarter" or guys really gassing badly vs opponents in other sports at the highest level.

I know team sports have substitutions and coaches can monitor and manage players' minutes so there's that but you would imagine every UFC fighter is fully prepared to go the distance of their next fight and that many times isn't the case.

I was watching Holloway x Aldo 2 tonight again and Aldo gassed so hard in the 3rd while Max was...

Why does cardio vary so much in MMA?

Sherdog isn't known for having intelligent fans but you guys are truly a sick bunch...

First of all, it's bad enough that most of you are just bleed fans who can't respect a dominant decision even if the winner finishes the majority of his fights, that they sure they are vastly superior to the majority of their peers. That's bad enough.

But it seems that the vocal majority of you really want to see Jon Jones take the last little bit 9f success that this man has View attachment 538293
Seriously why do we need this a 3rd time??? You guys act like you dislike Jones but...

Sherdog isn't known for having intelligent fans but you guys are truly a sick bunch...

*The UFC made more than 4 million dollaes just in tickets, they are realy cheap with their fighters*

Nearly 20K attended the event, more than 4 million dollars in tickets. And this elite athletes receive a garbage paycheck from the top organization. I mean, nearly 36K for Zhang, including a 18 K bonus, 67 for Stephens. Weird stuff.

Jones is the best striker in MMA history

All the diversity of Silva - knees, kicks, punches and elbows but with far superior defence and an iron chin.

Outstrikes 2 to one almost every opponent he faces.

Appreciate the GOAT while he’s in front of you

Why is avenging your losses to fighters you should have beaten so highly valued?

Specifically when discussing GSP's record his fans always mention that he avenged his losses. But the fact of the matter is he should have NEVER lost to those opponents in the first place. Avenging the loss doesn't erase it.

Of course GSP was going to win the rematch against Serra, wouldn't it be better for his record if he beat say another contender like Kos, Fitch, or Shields again?

The only reason GSP was even able to avenge his losses was because of pure luck of the circumstances....

Why is avenging your losses to fighters you should have beaten so highly valued?

How do some fighters get so big without heaps of weightlifting?

It’s difficult enough to get big when hitting the gym, but why are guys like Wladimir Klitschko who i’ve never seen lifting heavy in the gym so big?

I can’t see this resulting from just bodyweight exercises and boxing alone?

And even if they lift they can’t afford to spend a whole lot of time doing that either.

What’s up with this?