Georges St-Pierre has the most wins against former/current/future UFC champions in MMA History

Matt Hughes(Two-time UFC WW champion , #2 WW GOAT) 2x
BJ Penn (UFC LW&WW champion , Many people claim him to be the LW GOAT) 2x
Johny Hendricks ( UFC WW champion)
Michael Bisping (UFC MW champion)
Sean Sherk (UFC LW champion)
Carlos Condit (UFC WW interim champion)
Matt Serra (UFC WW champion)
GSP resume contains 9 victories against UFC champions . No wonder why he is considered by the majority of MMA fans and pundits as the GOAT.
Most of these fighters were in their absolute fighting prime...

Georges St-Pierre has the most wins against former/current/future UFC champions in MMA History

Is Khabib the best wrestler/grappler in MMA history?

I believe he is.

His wrestling and grappling are just a level below prime Anderson Silva’s striking.


What's the best one sided beatdown in MMA history

Shogun vs Bones
Anderson vs Franklin 1
Fitch vs GSP
Lauzon vs Gabe Cake Ruediger
And Cain vs JDS 2 all come to mind

Is 2 months training enough for a amateur MMA fight?

I plan on taking an two month break from work to concentrate only on training to get in shape for an amateur mma fight? 1 x 5 minute round, no punches to the head and it would be my first fight.

How do you define "Prime" in MMA?

And how do you evaluate when a fighter had left it

Murky, I know.
But i typically see Prime as imagining a person is at pr near their athletic peak, and trying to figure out where that intersects most closely with the time a fighter is at our near their technical peak.
For some fighters it's easier than others, for other guys who either start the sport late or are late bloomers like DC for the former or Anderson Silva for the latter its tougher.

It cant be defined, though, simply as when...

How do you define "Prime" in MMA?

Rory's first pro mma fight was at 15

I was just randomly perusing the upcoming mma cards and was looking at how old fitch. I noticed Rory is 29 and had his first pro mma bout in 2005. Is this some kind of typo or has he always been a serial killer? because that would make him 14-15 at the time.

Does sherdog like me or hate me

If you vote unanimously for hate I will leave forever

Irrespective of PED usage, TJ Dillashaw is the most skilled striker in MMA history

Yes, I know he took some shit to increase his endurance plus he was unlikeable so people shit on him even more.

However, you can't roid your way to pure striking technique and skill, which is what TJ displayed numerous times in his wins over fellow P4P greats. He was more skilled than Anderson Silva because Silva wasn't effective when being forced to lead, which is why he had his shitshows against Maia and Leites. TJ was a complete striker who mixed his kicks, punches, and switch-stances...

Irrespective of PED usage, TJ Dillashaw is the most skilled striker in MMA history

What would Sherdog do?

You are on a date with some bird, and a druggie accosts you. What would you do?

Khabib's Dad is the coolest Dad in MMA

The fact that he is also a coach to all those young fighters.

Lets see how Machachev does on the co main. His striking is on point.

Deconstructing MMA Myths... [Part 31] - UFC 5, Requiem for The Vale Tudo Era...

Warning: TLDR here.

Today :

UFC 5, Requiem for The Vale Tudo Era...

Myth 1: Ken exposed BJJ´s guard in the 2nd Hoyce fight.
Myth 2: Ken would have clearly won if it there had been judges.

Note: this thread can be seen as an extension of these ones:...

Deconstructing MMA Myths... [Part 31] - UFC 5, Requiem for The Vale Tudo Era...

Year 2019. No elite boxer in MMA yet.

It's been more than 20 years, but no sign of elite boxers in MMA. Almost most major disciplines had someone who showed their effectiveness in MMA. The list is long.

Taekwondo - Pettis. Third dan
Shotokan Karate - Machida Third Dan
Kyokushin Karate - GSP Third Dan
Judo - Fedor Fourth dan.

Sports Sambo - Minakov Multiple time world champion
Combat Sambo Khabib Multiple time world champion

Freestyle wrestling - Romero...

Year 2019. No elite boxer in MMA yet.

Adensaya shooked the Wrestling & MMA world ... once again

I have been hearing since day one that hes gonna lose to wrestlers/mma fighters.


Matt Serra States That Only a Small Percentage of Fighters Do Not Use PED's

Exposing everyone

"Me and BJ Penn are in that small percentage that don’t do (expletive). There’s a lot of guys that are considered legends, and they’re doing the [H]GH and doing this and that, and it’s obvious, it’s freaking obvious,” Serra adamantly stated.

Brock Lesnar destroyed legit fighters after a few weeks of MMA training ... thats impressive.

Yea he has a background in wrestling, but he was a WWE wrestler (after college) ... for at least 6-10 years.

Dude fought killers from the beginning and he still fought guys like Carwin, Ubereem & Cain while he wasnt 100% healthy.

Greatest part time fighter of all time?

TJ Dillashaw's Suspension: Why EPO Is Such A Disgraceful Banned Substance For An MMA Fighter

All banned substance violations in combat sports are not created equally. Too often a blanket is thrown over every mixed martial artist who tests positive, and that’s an example of widespread ignorance when it comes to doping. All that said, TJ Dillashaw’s recent dirty urine sample is pretty indefensible.

The 33-year-old former UFC Bantamweight Champion was suspended two years by USADA on Tuesday after he submitted a dirty urine sample ahead of his bout on January 19 against UFC Flyweight...

TJ Dillashaw's Suspension: Why EPO Is Such A Disgraceful Banned Substance For An MMA Fighter

Disappointed sherdog. No hot school teacher thread?

i watched and waited for a thread on who would shag or marry this hot topless school teacher.

So sherdog. Wood you?



Mind you she may be a millionaire soon after suing the pants off her school.

Ps very disappointed sherdog.

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Which fighters are really "about that life?"

After watching Colby and Usman do whatever it is they did.... I don't know what to call it. An angry modeling contest? Well, after watching them, someone pointed out that Masvidal is about that life. He proved it.

Got me thinking. Who else is really about that life? Which fighters will actually fight out of the ring at a moment's notice?

So far I can only think of Masvidal, and Jones/Cormier.

Any others?

French Minister of sports finally hints at legalizing MMA competition

Link in French : Maracineanu veut réglementer le MMA et autoriser la compétition en France

French Minister of sports Roxana Maracineanu (former world champ and Olympic silver in backstroke) finally considers legalizing MMA competition in France, I don't think we have ever been this...

French Minister of sports finally hints at legalizing MMA competition

Fighters who lost so bad they Retired from MMA?

I think Nunes and Rousey. Miesha and Nunes and Conor and Khabib, but when else has this happened in MMA history?