How will MMA and the UFC look 10 years from now?

Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion
How will MMA and the UFC look 10 years from now?
Do you the think the sport will be bigger, smaller, or about the same in terms of popularity?

Do you think WME will hold on longer then 10 years?

Do you think Dana and Rogan will still be with the promotion?

Which commentators do you think will still be commentating?

What fighters do you think will still be fighting?

As modern society becomes more docile and less violent, and the more we learn about CTE, do you think the sport will dwindle down in popularity, much like the NFL?

Fuck anyone think that was a bullshit decision?

I thought GGG won that hands down

IMO the judging in boxing is far more corrupt than MMA ... but that’s just my opinion


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