Who's the greatest pullout artist in MMA?

Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion
Who's the greatest pullout artist in MMA?
Is it this guy?

Deconstructing MMA Myths... [Part 13] - Khabib´s Eastern European Career
Today :

The evolution of Khabib´s Eastern European Career, btw 2008 & 2011.

Myth 1: Khabib was protected & only fought cans.
Myth 2: He was dominant & 'undefeated'.

Note: this thread can be seen as an extension of this one:


The term 'Can' is an uneasy one, often misused in the MMA World.
The way I see it, it´s a matter of perspective, and one should bears...

Deconstructing MMA Myths... [Part 13] - Khabib´s Eastern European Career
Fights that changed fighters and careers
I ve watched Joe Rogans YT channel and in one video he spoke with Schaub about his fight with Cro Cop.

Even tho he won that fight with KO, he admited that , that fight changed his life.

His face was smashed and he had many injuries so he became adicted to painkillers and had very hard and long recovery phase.
Even tho he was relative young he ended his career, just few fight after this mentioned fight.

So this fight was a bad choice for him at the time and he paid because of his...

Fights that changed fighters and careers

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