MMA fighters arent that tough. I've felt their power. I could beat these guys

Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion
MMA fighters arent that tough. I've felt their power. I could beat these guys

Me: 6'1, 220 lbs and built like a brick shit house. This might sound crazy to most on here but I feel I have potential to be Light Heavywheight champ.

Heres the story.

I live in the Bay Area region of California near San Jose. Back in 2016, Jake O'Brien along with some other low card, MMA fighter from Bellator(I forget his name) held a grappling siminar open to all who where interested in MMA for a fee.

We all entered the Gym and sat in a...

MMA fighters arent that tough. I've felt their power. I could beat these guys

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