do people think there are any clean fighters at the top level?

Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion
do people think there are any clean fighters at the top level?
same with other sports. i find it hard to believe with the benefits of being on dope and the peer pressure that your contemporaries arent clean youre gonna be dirty are you not?

i mean the money is huge and you dont really lose it. i look at local dealers in my town growing up, a few of them did long stretches in jail but came out still rich with properties, businesses that are now legit etc.

crime pays does it not?

what incentives for fighters or sportsmen are there to stay clean? you...

do people think there are any clean fighters at the top level?
MMA media needs to do som investigating journalism on this USADA matter
I really hope the different mma media out lets can step up their game and start to do some real work and get some real answers to what just happened in the USADA/JJ matter. The questions being asked at the Jeff and Dana presser was so god awful bad, and non of the media members seems to have any clue about doping what so ever.

- Jones got caught having single AND double digits of picograms worth of A metabolite...... what?
- USADA calling around the world talking to nameless «world...

MMA media needs to do som investigating journalism on this USADA matter

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