MMA NEEDS A "standing 8 count" ? FEDOR vs Bader

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MMA NEEDS A "standing 8 count" ? FEDOR vs Bader
This fight made me want to puke!

Fador wasn't even rocked... he just got caught with a flash knockdown and sustained a pretty nasty cut. I've been knocked off my feet before in a fight.

They had another quick stoppage that night... this problem isn't unique to Bellator or UFC it's all about Ring sport politics.

These guys aren't in there fighting with knives!

If they could get an automatic rematch off a ref stoppage I'd be okay with it but they don't....they have to go through the...

MMA NEEDS A "standing 8 count" ? FEDOR vs Bader
Fighters that fight beyond their prime...
Do not ruin their legacy.

In my opinion, a fighter who loves to fight will fight beyond the point where they have the advantage of youth. Some fighters quit when they aren’t prime anymore (GSP @32) while others continue to fight, even though they may have diminishing physicality.

People say a loss ruins a legacy (BJ, Anderson, Fedor) but I don’t think that continuing to fight is a bad thing versus quitting and only picking winnable fights (GSP vs Bisping then vacate).

It sucks to lose...

Fighters that fight beyond their prime...

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