Sherdog Yoga Practice : >

Hello Mr Sherdogger, does your lower back feel tight? Perhaps your hips are all closed up? Feeling that age??
WELL, what you need is Yoga! :) 5 ~ 10 mins per day will do!

I have listed poses below that should do :D I guarantee results will be noticed if you keep it up for a few days!!

1: Kneeling, take a deep breath. On exhale, bring both hands together to form a triangle. On the second inhale, swing arms overhead and bend forward until your torso is between your thighs. Hold for three...

Sherdog Yoga Practice : >

Fighters you really TRIED to like but it just became IMPOSSIBLE

Woodley has completely lost me as a fan. The guy is unbearable to listen to and basically impossible to like at this point.

This whole threatening to pull out vs Leon was the last straw (shout out to @suhdude for the thread, and in turn this thread idea) but its been slowly dwindling ever since he started the victim shit and the whole race card he pulled out of nowhere vs WB..
I gave him another chance because I figured it wasn't the worse thing he could possibly say/do...

Fighters you really TRIED to like but it just became IMPOSSIBLE

Hopefully Cerrone will put an end to the most shameful era of MMA for good.

If McGregor wins... we will be subjected to who knows how many more years of bullshit undeserved fights for a quick buck. Cowboy, I know you don't show up in big fights, but you're our only hope.

MMA Sex Scandal: Stephan Bonnar Says He Caught Phil Baroni Sleeping With His Wife

I was wondering why Baroni and Bonnar parted ways in their OK Pro Wrestling career.
I am a fan of Baroni for life, but that was a bum move if it's true.

It would appear that UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar and former UFC competitor Phil Baroni may have had a falling out. Bonnar has come forward to claim that caught Baroni sleeping with his significant other.


MMA Sex Scandal: Stephan Bonnar Says He Caught Phil Baroni Sleeping With His Wife

Can we find one fighter no one on Sherdog dislikes?

What with it being Christmas and all, lets try and find a fighter that no one actively hates. Someone who's not necessarily anyone's favourite fighter, but there's no reason for anyone to dislike them.

I nominate Jim Miller.


Seems an all round good family guy, never disrespects anyone,...

Can we find one fighter no one on Sherdog dislikes?

SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB: Week 189 - The Irishman

NOTE to NON-MEMBERS: Interested in joining the SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB? Shoot me a PM for more info!

Here's a quick list of all movies watched by the SMC. Or if you prefer, here's a more detailed examination.



SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB: Week 189 - The Irishman

What changes would you like to see in MMA in 2020?

We've had a great year with a lot of fun fights and awesome cards. But there are a couple of things I'd like the UFC to change up in 2020..

I'd like to see the UFC modify these two things next year:

1- Reduce the number of Fight Nights (we don't need a card every weekend and if they chopped off 10-12 Fight Nights per year we'd have more good - great fighters on more good - great cards), I'm in.

2- Add 2 more judges for each fight, making it a total of 5 judges. This would minimize(at...

What changes would you like to see in MMA in 2020?

Underrated Fighters @ 170

Who is someone in the top 15 or outside of the top 15 that you think could be a next big contender or just someone you feel is often forgot about? Obvious Geoff Neal is a guy coming up who could be a serious contender.

Outside of the top 15, I think the most underrated guy is James Krause. The guy is on a 6 fight win streak and his only real loss in the UFC is to Jorge Masvidal. I think Krause will break into the top 10 if he can stay active.

Non-MMA Sports Betting Discussion - January, 2019

If you told me a few years ago that my best sportsbetting results this summer would be World Cup soccer (footbaaaaaallll?!) and baseball would be breakeven/down a few units I would have laughed at you. But here we are.

Round robin parlay:

Belgium - YES (whew!)

What is the worst MMA related picture you've ever seen?



He shouldn't be allowed within a 1000 mile radius of Fedor let alone have dinner with him. King Fedor is too kind.

How Much Does Striking Even Matter To MMA Judges?

It seems like some judges don't care about striking if they don't see an opponent's had snap back, bleed or if the opponent is knocked down.

Usman threw more strikes and landed more strikes. He won the silly "walk forward aggression" battle, because I don't remember him backing down from Covington, but I do remember Covington backing down.

And yet, one judge had it 3-1 for Covington. LOL

Is Sarah D'Alelio (a female MMA) natty?

Watch from 2:40. Sarah D'Alelio fights at 125 pounds, but bigger than most male bantamweights (135 pounds)?

We can not point somebody out without the evidence in general, but based on her physique, it's just hard for me to believe females can get such physique.

womens mma

isnt no where nearrr as technical skilled man local mens amateur fights are more skilled than this nunez is doing these extremely sloppy outside trip doubles and getting them lol this chick looks like shes trained 1 week of grappling in her life and funny to see amanda trying to be a wrestler i dont see how guys can watch this and be excited and respect it compared to others

Fighters That Look Like Movie Characters

2 weeks until the next UFC... May as well enjoy ourselves somehow.

In continuation fro the "Fighters that look like animals" thread, I bring you the sequel. Sherdog is going to Hollywood.

Animal thread:

I'll get two obvious ones out of the way.

Israel Adesendya


Fighters That Look Like Movie Characters

MMA neighbourhood competitions - Part 1

Would be cool to have something like this as Dana's series of fighting

Russia banned for four years can affect MMA?

Russia banned for four years to include 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup

Russia has been handed a four-year ban from all major sporting events by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada).

It means the Russia flag and anthem will not be allowed at events such as the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and football's 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Can this affect the MMA world, even under different organizations?

Is this the most humbling moment in MMA history?

can you think of any that’s more humbling?

European MMA news & events

This is thread for European MMA news from smaller but interesting MMA organisations.

This week SBC 25 is in Novi Sad, some interesting fights on card.


Jackson Loureiro (9-0-1) vs Slobodan Maksimovic (15-5)
Maiquel Falcão (40-17)...

European MMA news & events

Joshua getting $100 million: MMA is the A - class sport with C - level money

Dana and co need to go, it is a joke at this point the MMA vs boxing pay disparity considering how much the big UFC shows make and the buyrate even eclipsing boxing.

I'm tired of seeing that fat boxercise coach paying himself all of what should be going to the top fighters.

MMA fighters are losing the financial fight badly, they are treated...

Joshua getting $100 million: MMA is the A - class sport with C - level money

SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB: Week 187 - The Thing

NOTE to NON-MEMBERS: Interested in joining the SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB? Shoot me a PM for more info!

Here's a quick list of all movies watched by the SMC. Or if you prefer, here's a more detailed examination.



SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB: Week 187 - The Thing

Why do wmma fighters not go for double legs?

Wmma from my observations, only go for upper body takedowns, at least for the most part. Only a few actually shoot for the legs. Why? Is it because of an anatomical difference or something?